هذه الحلقة الاولى من سلسلة مقابلات نويت أن اقوم بها مع طلاب ومثقفين في جنوب أفريقيا. الموضوع الاول الذي قررت تناوله كفلسطيني، هو نظرة الناس الى الصراع العربي-الفلسطيني الاسرائيلي. والحلقة الاولى في هذا الموضوع كانت مع طالب فلسفة إسمه سينا Sinha، وسأقوم لاحقا بنشر باقي الحلقات.
لاحظوا أنه يذكر نقطة استغربتها جداً، بل ووجدتها مضحكة. حين سألته عن ما يعتقد أنه سبب الصراع. قال أن بريطانيا بعد الحرب العالمية الاولى احتاجت لمادة ال “أسيتون” بعد أن نفد مخزونها منه، فقام علماء يهود ببيعها الصيغة الكيميائية للأسيتون، وبعدها وعد البريطانيون اليهود على توطينهم في فلسطين مقابل ذلك !!
أدعوكم لمشاهدة الفيديو، ويسعدني أن تقوموا بنشر رابط هذه المقالة لنشر فائدتها.
إن أردتم أن اعلمكم حين أنشر المقابلات التالية مع طلاب وطالبات ، ومن ضمنهم طالبة يهودية كان كلامها غريب جدا، اتركوا إيميلاتكم في الخانة المخصصة لذلك أسفل المقالة.
ما رأيكم بكلامه؟ هل هناك أسئلة تودون أن اطرحها على الطلاب مستقبلا؟
كتبها الراصد-معاذ خطيب،ويسعدني التواصل معك فيسبوكياً إن احببت، بضغطك هذا الزر:
- تابع الراصد على فيسبوك
- وشقيقتها الراصد الاعلامي
- وأخيراً الراصد السينمائي
you should not describe his answer as being funny, if he knows Arabic and he reads the comments you wrote Mouad , would he not be insulted. he’d agreed to talk to you about his views and we must give his talk full respect. as a visitor I can say his answer is funny, you as the interviewer should not say that.
Thank you Suha :)
I really do not see anything wrong with describing what Sinha said as being funny. I may feel offended if someone described ME as being funny, not something I said. I wouldn’t be insulted if I were in his boots. Certainly not :)
if you told him to his face ( that his answer is funny )I wouldnt see anything wrong with that, if not, you are backbiting aw ya3ni at least deprecating
my point is that interviewers and announcers usually stay neutral and leave space for audience t
to evaluate.
you have not made us see how funny his answer was by listening first, you jumped & stated that at the beginning of your article, therefore, instead of getting us focus on the intrinsic issues ur friend mentioned, you colored his answer with imbecile aura
second, say that you are in a serious mood and talking about a grave issue, would you feel ok if
laugh and say your speech is funny?? this is truly madly deprecating
be well
I did actually tell him (after the interview) that I find what he said odd and never heard such thing before. I didn’t tell him I found it funny, because it didn’t seem funny to me, then :)
The reason I mentioned it , is that not everyone would get his point.
lastly, I didn’t really “laugh”.. and I didn’t say “funny” to mean “laughable” , but to mean “weird”, perhaps :)
After all, it is about my intention, Suha, remember, the intention :)
of course this is how I see it and life is all about different perspectives.I seem to have forgotten to say that this is a good interview by all measures , and if you try and make your questions shorter lest you perplex your interviewees
will see about that, but I don’t think I’ll be making any new interviews.. too busy :)